Our Teachings

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Spiritual Wisdom Advancement Classes

Wisdom of Science of Mind I
Wisdom of Science of Mind II
Wisdom of Science of Mind III
(WSOM III may be taken with any class except WSOM I)
Mastering Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Christ Consciousness
Professional Practitioner Studies – Year I
Professional Practitioner Studies -- Year II

Studying the Bible in Gathering of Minds

Ancient Secrets of the Bible

Discovering God’s Way of Handling Money  (THIS REALLY WORKS!)                          God ProvidesA Series of Lessons on Different Characters in the Bible — DVD Presentation
Understanding the Proverbs Metaphysically
Understanding the Psalms Metaphysically
The Forgotten Books of Eden
Chasing Daylight
Treasure Principle
Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Teaches faith, honesty and trust)
Understanding God's Ways
               His Ways are Sacred — Never Social
(We will be happy to teach any of these classes if you so desire to learn more about God, The LORD Jesus, the Holy Spirit or whatever may be troubling you.  It can be done on this Internet or however you so choose.  If that would require our becoming a BUSINESS, then if God directs us to do so--SO SHALL IT BE DONE.) 

It may appear that every turn we take someone may ask, “What do you want?” The Cosmic Law of Life must get the answer from us.  No one and nothing can choose for us.

Our Gathering of Minds study of Discovering God's Way of Handling Money is really a help with this problem of considering that money solves every problem.  Of course, we would never know unless we discussed God's Way in our studies.

God really can do everything, but His hands, mind and will are tied unless we say that He can help us.  Remember, we have dominion over our own life.

Thus, it is wise to understand that until we have a grip on serving Our Father there is no way to come into a permanent hold on wealth and wealth is the key to loving Our Father.

However, this never means that we become wealthy and forget the “poor”.  It means that we must understand that if we want to be close to Our Father we are to be wealthy.  For what reason?  The simple reason is that if our mind is on “money”, then it is impossible for it to be on Our Father, The Creator who owns EVERYTHING.  We know that this sounds funny especially when we buy something and our name goes on the receipt, deed, contract, etc.  Remember, we are simply the manager.  Thus, we ask, "Are you a good manager?  Are you taking care of God's property?  Are you thinking wisely about how to increase it so that He can give us more to take care of?

The Scripture in Deuteronomy 8:18 says that it is Our Father who gives us wealth. If we get this, then we know that the path to true wealth is through Our Father.  It is never through getting rich on His children by withholding what we want from the poor.

In fact, Our Father says we are to help the poor.  Proverbs 14:31

Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them.  To help the poor is to honor God. (From the "Living Bible")

Without wealth, our love for Our Father goes out the window, for our attention is on, "Where is the money?  How do I get rich?"

We have not written any new Newsletters, but will try to publish some new ones by January, 2020.  Because we sometimes need to read over and over what we think we know, it is good to read what we know so that we will give our mind time to catch up with our thoughts.    Therefore, may we suggest that you read these old Newsletters again called, "The Source Within."