Gathering of Minds

Life constantly changes, and it is no different with Universal Wisdom Fellowship.  (That includes the Ministers and Members.)  Change is constant, but Spirit always remains the same.  Spirit never change. 

You may wonder how this is so.  It is simple.  We all may depend upon Our Father though we may fail to see it or even understand it.  Our Father is Limitless, Timeless, Formless, and yet creation is eternally continual.

These statements may require much study to believe, but they all are true.  This simply touches the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Our Loving Father God and His Son, Jesus, also known as Yeshua.

All we can see of this iceberg is what is floating on top, but you realize that there is far, tar more under the water.  That is the TRUTH of Our Father and our understanding of Him. 

It would be so unwise to end up returning to Earth simply because we refused to learn from another even when it could be that Our Father sent these people to you.  How long will it take for us to TRUST Him and to TRUST US?

To study with us will allow you to understand and will bring you closer to Our Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

Be happy that change within man/woman takes place, for if change never takes place
we will forever remain unintelligent when it comes to Our Father.

WHAT YOU READ HERE ON OUR WEBSITE MAY BE VERY DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND IF YOU HAVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT OR READ WHAT JESUS, his Greek name, and WHOM WE CALL YESHUA (HIS JEWISH NAME) BEFORE FROM A DIFFERENT STANDPOINT.  We want you to understand that Jesus told us that we cannot get to the Father except through him.  It is very unwise to try to do this any other way.  We know that in our Science of Mind Teaching, we did not recognize Jesus, but Rev. Fred and myself (Rev. Pat) never forgot about Jesus.  We ALWAYS kept him alive in all that we did and still do.