Reverend Dr. Fred Ogletree and Reverend Dr. Pat Ogletree are the Founders and Team Ministers of Universal Wisdom Fellowship. They graduated from The Ernest Holmes College of Religious Science in Ministerial Studies in Los Angeles, California. They have been Ordained Ministers since July 1989. Their highest mission is to assist every individual who chooses to know Our Father/Mother God, The LORD Jesus Christ and to know them with Divine Love, peace, honor, integrity, happiness, joy and bliss. The words below are their beliefs to walk the walk that this is what they teach. In other words, speak only Truth, live only Truth and Be Truthful ALWAYS. No one can take you or lead you where you truly do not wish to go. No one can make you do or lead you to do what you truly do not wish to do. To take either of these leads from another is to take away the dominion—the authority over your own life which Our Father and The LORD Jesus Christ has given you and all of His children from the very beginning, which we call CHOICE. We teach you how to be your own person. We make suggestions, but the greater teaching is how to empower yourself by means of Truth, Honesty, Willingness, Integrity, Kindness, Divine Love through Wisdom and Appreciation of The Creator who creates everything and needs no one to co-create with Him. We are The Father’s children, created just a little lower than His Holy Angels and we are not co-creators of anything. We are simply managers of Our Father's Creation. This is a difficult belief since we all speak our word and things come to be in our life and yes, we often use the words "I created." We must understand that if we believe in the Genesis Creation, then man was not around until the sixth (6th) day (which is in actuality "a period of time-NOT A 24 HOUR DAY IN GOD'S TIME)". Everything was created and then He made man and woman, male and female after "Their" kind. So we ask, did The Father ask us to help Him create the Universe? Did The Father ask us to help Him spread the stars in the Heavens or to set the planets in place? Did He ask us, His children, to help Him create anything in this world? No, He did not. We are users of a Power that is greater than ourselves to bring into visibility those things that will make life beautiful, joyful, peaceful, loving and harmonious. When we try to co-create we generally make a mess of things. However, when we recognize that there is a Power greater than we are and realize that we can use that Power to assist us to make things wonderful, we generally come up with a lasting success. All The Father asks of us is recognition of Him, to love Him and obey Him. (We capitalize “T” in the word “the” to indicate the importance of Our Father.) If you think Religion is unimportant, then Our Father is unfamiliar to you. If you think money and how to truly handle it His Way is foolish or folly, then Our Father is unfamiliar to you. If you think that you must be rich, wallowing in money at the expense of others, then Our Father is unfamiliar to you. Join us that you may know TRUTH as it truly is and what a great life He has prepared for each of us. It is truly a choice for us to "let" Life become as joyful to you as it is to us and even more than that. Since the closing of World United Church, which operated for 16 and 1/2 years and closed in 2007, The Reverends opened by response to their call to the Ministry and as Servants of Our Father and The LORD Jesus Christ opened as Universal Wisdom Fellowship, which is now an Internet Ministry simply for praying for those who request prayer and for articles that will enhance your life spiritually. The Reverends also continue Weddings and Spiritual Counseling for those who wish to marry. The Source Within Newsletter is published monthly and is archived on this Website. Understand that The Newsletter has not operated in the past 3 years, but we will let you know when we begin to publish it again. Classes and The Gathering of Minds is taught when anyone requests this teaching. The Website is: www.universalwisdomfellowship.org and is a dedication to bring The Word of Our Father and The LORD Jesus Christ to ALL His Children. The Reverends are NOT affiliated with the Founding Organization now known as "The Centers of Spiritual Living or CSL" located in Los Angeles as directed by The Father and The LORD Jesus Christ. Nor, is any part of this website a business. |